The event will take place in a restored 100-year old barn with wooden rafters. Guests can dance to the Love Dogs rhythm and blues band and sampling hors d’oeuvres and desserts. Everyone can bid on 35 auction prizes, including trips, sports tickets, original artwork and experiences such as breakfast cooked by Concord’s fire chief or nine nights in a luxury home on Maui, Hawaii.
Net proceeds from the Dream Big Gala will benefit Minute Man Arc’s Building Dreams Together campaign, a fundraising effort to purchase its headquarters in Concord and expand programs and services for more than 800 clients in eastern Massachusetts.
Minute Man Arc works to improve the lives of children and adults with disabilities by increasing independence, personal choice and self-advocacy. Through a range of programs and therapies, clients work hard to access and enjoy the same rights, privileges and joys as other community members.
The online auction is now open. Tickets are $125. For tickets: minuteman.givesmart.com. Tickets may also be purchased by check made out to Minute Man Arc, 35 Forest Ridge Road, Concord, MA 01742.